Ridiculous things I heard in church.
Told from my POV because some of this is a literal running dialogue when I heard these things.
“Faith over Feelings”
Literally teaching people to just have faith in sky daddy and deny the fact that they are being shown by their own body that something doesn’t feel aligned for them.
If you were created from the Divine and you have Divine Love at your core, then where do you think your feelings are coming from???
Faith over feelings just feels like some BS way of saying “faith in the man-made rules we have here so that we can keep people feeling small and paying us money to show them the way to God.”
Your feelings ARE showing you the way to God. Your own unique way. Because “he” made you that way.
“Sin requires payment. and that payment is death.“
What the actual fuck. I cannot believe my parents let me grow up hearing things like this. No wonder I grew up thinking I was always going to get in trouble for something.
Then to think that there are blurry lines for sin… humans’ interpretations of the Bible… all of the world religions think their way is the way, so don’t people realize that they’re all man-made?? So what IS sin???
It’s whatever your religious leaders decide it is. And they all have their own wounding they aren’t dealing with. Ingrained patterns from their own childhoods. Why are we listening to this crap??
“If the accuser tries to convince you you’re worthless remember you have a testimony.”
I’m not worthy BECAUSE OF my testimony. I’m worthy because I’m alive AND I can connect and share that love and feeling of worthiness with others because I have a testimony.
I am powerful and amazing in my own right and I was created to be this way TO BE LOVED AND TO LOVE. My testimony is beautiful because it shows the way I felt connected to Divine Love and followed that inner guidance. But it does not assign me any worth.
“When he comes against you you’ve got to love yourself enough to stand up and tell him I am a child of God.”
We’ve been taught through religion that Satan does all of these things TO us.. the enemy accuses. The enemy tricks. The enemy convinces us that we are failures and evil.
But the thing is.. we must consent to that.
So in actuality, WE are doing that. We are allowing that to spoken to ourselves.
And where did we learn that kind of treatment was okay??
Or rather.. that we don’t deserve better? That we can’t have strong boundaries? That we must “be nice?”
Whatever “the enemy” is convincing you of, especially through the way you talk to yourself and WHAT YOU ALLOW…..
“Fear not.” Don’t give it power like that. Look back to the root.
Where did you learn that that kind of treatment of yourself was okay??
What kind of things did you hear in church that made you go, “Huh?”
I’d love to hear about them. Religious trauma goes hand in hand with fear of authority, which is a huge aspect I cover in the Peaceful Accountability Method.