My Favorite Resources.

  • HMI Wellness

    Aside from certification in Plant-Based Nutrition and Health Coaching, HMI also offers a free 3 day detox, a free 4 day liver cleanse, and has a Blog link at the top of their page where you can find tons of helpful information for your health journey.

  • She CAN Have It All Podcast

    An empowering dive into the concept of embracing your truest feminine self, unearthing your actual desires, what it can look like to claim and achieve them, how to master your mind, and how to tap into the abundance wavelength.

  • Mother Wound Program

    A 6 week energy healing program with Liana Shanti. Her program description mentions addictions, eating disorders, self-sabotage, shame, diminishing yourself and your potential, codependency in relationships, comparing yourself to other women, and so much more.

  • Father Wound Program

    A 5 week energy healing program with Liana Shanti. Her program description: Father Wound can show up in many ways in your life, including low self-worth, attention and validation seeking, issues with material security and abundance, codependency with partners, and much more.

  • Healing from Narcissistic Relationships

    A 6 week energy healing program with Liana Shanti. Her program description: This healing program is not just one of recovery; but it is about THRIVING, finding your true worth, understanding that you actually have PTSD to heal from, and recognizing the pattern so you don't relive it in the future.

  • Exposing Family Abuse

    A helpful free resource for anyone who has experienced abuse or wants to learn more about dysfunctional family patterns. It includes more information about why victims remain silent, and a place to share your story and read the stories of others.

  • Free Abundance Webinar

    Two hours that seriously helped overhaul the way I approached money and abundance. If you’re into energy and you desire more money, this instant access webinar from Liana Shanti is worth listening to.

  • Free Womb Healing Ceremony

    A powerful energy transmission that is so helpful for sending love, honor, respect, and gratitude to your womb. I recommend this for all women, but especially for those who feel ready after past womb trauma.

  • Free Stress and Anxiety Meditation

    Experience your body tension and troubles melt away. This is a great meditation to listen to before bedtime, or before an event or activity that you’d like to feel calm and centered for.