What is Holistic Wellness?
Holistic Wellness is an integrative approach to a person’s wellbeing, inside and out. It borrows the wisdom of, “Which came first, the chicken, or the egg?” in that, without seeking wellness in every aspect of our lives, none of these areas can truly be a place from which we flourish.
If your emotional state is not feeling particularly healthy, you may find it difficult to motivate change in other areas of your life. Exercise may seem like a monumental task on days when you can barely leave the couch.
If your body is in a state of fatigue or illness, you certainly won’t be performing at optimal levels to tackle your daily tasks, much less to focus on your mental health or new habits you may want to try.
If your schedule is too hectic, your sleep is disruptive or your personal relationships are stress-inducing, you may not have the mental capacity to even contemplate making changes to your diet or lifestyle.
The list could go on, but I think you get the idea.
As humans, we are multi-faceted beings, and all of our needs are interconnected.
Sometimes, we get stuck inside the trappings of our mind and we can’t quite zoom out to get the big picture.
That big picture is exactly what Holistic Wellness takes a look at:
What are the areas in your life that leave you feeling unfulfilled, lacking, or unhappy?
How are these areas connected to one another, and what small changes can be made to alleviate the negative aspects?
How can you start simple, get a snowball rolling, and in time make radical changes in your life, all while gaining knowledge and understanding to make these changes permanent and habitual?
That is where Wellness Coaching comes in. (:
My job is to help you assess your situation and decide which areas need focus.
We will identify your obstacles and face them together, one foot in front of the other.
My role is to support you in making your own informed decisions, by sharing all of the knowledge available to me in a way that you can apply directly and immediately to your own life.
As a student of Health Mastery Institute with over 50 years of health and nutrition science in my toolkit, I will pinpoint changes that can be made in your diet to immediately see results in your life. We won’t just focus on carbs and protein — I have an extensive, evidence-based education in liver health, detoxification, how the body processes nutrients, adrenal and hormone health, supporting the musculoskeletal system, nutrition through the life stages from birth through old age, and what your requirements are at each stage of your life.
My education also encompasses supplemental healing practices such as chakra work, essential oil therapy, herbal remedies, stress management techniques, and strategies for behavioral modification, among many others.
My goal is to empower you with knowledge and confidence, encouraging you along the way to feel these changes within.
You will recognize your power to make so many changes in your life: to make informed choices in your diet; to have a better understanding of your healthcare plan when you discuss changes with your provider; to age more gracefully and prolong the health of your body; to cultivate more satisfaction in your life by reaching goals and eliminating stressors; the possibilities are truly limitless for you.
If you are tired of feeling:
exhausted for no reason
dread about your menstrual cycle
hormonal or moody
sick with frequent allergies or illnesses
unable to control your weight
lost on where to begin with your diet
crippled by migraines or body pain
overwhelmed by mainstream nutrition information or fad diets
it is time to invest in your health and book a consultation.
You deserve to put yourself first, and I promise to meet you exactly where you are in your journey.
My approach is science based, tested and proven, and absolutely free of guilt or shame.
No judgment, no criticism, nothing but growth from this point forward!
If these or any other symptoms apply to you, and you’re ready to release them and thrive, let’s chat.